Nettbrick is the smart concrete masonry alternative to conventional clay brick in cost, appeal and design. Unlike clay brick, Nettbrick can be customized with different face textures to achieve smooth, split-face or tumbled appearances. Nettbrick is manufactured under strict standards while quality control procedures ensure a consistent product of the highest quality. When compared to smaller veneers, Nettbrick's larger size allows for lower overall masonry costs, passing along the net savings in labor and mortar to the owner.
Nettbrick is available in a number of standard inventory single color or two-tone variegated color combinations enabling the designer to select expressive appearances that enhance the project's architectural style. Netbrick's customized color is not only on the surface but blended throughout the entirety of the block
Integral water repellent is added to each unit to help avoid efflorescence and slow the aging process by preventing water penetration. A jobsite-applied coat of sealer not only enriches the color and appearance of the block but provides added moisture protection for the block and mortar joints in the finished wall. When a water repellent mortar is used, the entire wall is capable of repelling water and providing lasting beauty.
Nettleton Concrete Masonry Veneers are designed to be installed using the proven conventional masonry method. This method provides a void between the veneer and structure, allowing any moisture that penetrates or condenses to dissipate before causing any damage. Additionally, this void allows the veneer to react to temperature fluctuations with independent movement between it and the main structure. In contrast, other veneers that are directly adhered may detach when temperature differences force the veneer and structure to move at different rates and directions.